Erection Quality - three ways to start overcoming ED

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If you're having problems - you can start turning things around - overcome any erection problems with one simple thought....

That thought

Is knowing that there are three natural things - that you can do that will make a big difference to your erection quality.

This will give you an optimism - knowing things will literally be on the up for you. 

Three Natural things to improve Erection Hardness, Frequency, angle & Duration

Book me for a session - take the erection assessment and I will then prescribe three natural things that you can easily do - and if you stick to the plan - will give you a guaranteed erection improvement.

Erection Help, Support & Strengthening in any Personal Training Session.

Some things can be difficult to learn from an online guide - you just need to be shown some different techniques, on an individual basis, to gain more control.

Plus what works for one may not for another. A specialist personal coaching session with me can help you find out what will work for you, and show you how to easily master some effective techniques to strengthen your erection.

male coach logo in style of vitruvian man

1:1 Virility Coaching

1:1 Video Call

or perhaps a face to face session?

No one really talks about the problem of poor erection quality until the problem gradually gets worse, and risks becoming erectile dysfunction. Even then it is reported that men can take on average up to three years before they seek help. There should be no need for awkwardness - it can happen to us all, and knowing that you can do things to help yourself mean there is such a lot to look forward to - as it really is possible to improve your erection with Harper Capability training. 

The Incidence of Erectile Dysfunction is greater than 1:10

8% of 40 Year Old Men are affected with Erectile Dysfunction, and this rises to 40% of 60 year old men*.

This statistic is far too high - I find it really surprising, and is needlessly high when there is so much that any man can do to help himself. So if this is you - you can with my help and turn it all around.

Whatever Age You Are

Concerns about Erection Quality are more common in younger men than the more serious erectile dysfunction which is more prevalent in older men or as a result of specific health conditions. However there are many causes of poor erection quality, most physical, but some psychological. The psychological problems can affect men of any age.Whilst it is common knowledge that much can be done to help treat erectile dysfunction – reduced Erection Quality of a mild nature possibly affects a lot more men, often younger, and the effects can be equally as devastating.

Age is no excuse and it does not have to be inevitable that you will have problems as you get older, you can train to insure against problems in the future - and train to reverse problems. My oldest client at nearly 80 has seen some great improvements.  If you have a specific health condition then this may mean improvements will be slower - but an improvement is an improvement.

If You Are Having Problems

If you are having problems - whether you've just noticed a slight deterioration in erection quality or you are unable to gain or maintain an erection you are certainly not alone and you can almost certainly do something about. Problems are normally reversible but the sooner they're addressed the more successful the Harper Capability Training Programme will be.

Problems can be short term and easily fixed

Erection problems in younger men can be more likely due to short term.. ......revealed in Harper Capability Training Programme. .... reversed with a healthier lifestyle.

Erection problems in older men tend to be less psychological and more as a r........ revealed in Harper Capability Training Programme. .....

No matter what your age or the cause - the problem stands every chance of being reversed and treated - often by making a few simple changes to everyday life. Perhaps there can be no better motivation to change to a healthier lifestyle.

Erection Quality, Erection Angle And Erectile Dysfunction

Erection Quality

Erection quality literally means the quality of an erection - how hard and strong the erection is.

Erection Angle

Erection angle is more determined by the size of the penis and its attachment. In men with a long and heavy penis or a loose suspensory ligament, the erection angle may be less than 90 degrees, which is perfectly normal.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection in order to have sexual intercourse, and can also be due to psychological and physical reasons.

Physical or Psychological?

There are ways to determine if the function loss is as a result of physical reasons, one of the simplest is to ..... revealed in Harper Capability Training Programme. ....

A Healthier Lifestyle

For many affected men, a healthier lifestyle and specific exercising can help – however sometimes more specialist treatment may be required. As this treatment is more likely to succeed the earlier you get help, and the healthier you are, there's definitely nothing to lose by switching to a healthier lifestyle - it all helps.

Erection Quality can almost definitely be improved with specific exercises and a healthier lifestyle.

There really is no need to suffer and always keep in mind the earlier you do something about any problems – the better the outcome.

*Statistics from City University London.

Further Information on Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction Here